Ross A. Hill: Creativity

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I just watched the latest Creativity Show on OETA.  Wow, what a show!  It featured many of the Integris Heart Hospital Doctors and Executives and my good friends Chris and Micah McGahan Founders of Bella Forte Glass Blowing Studio.  My good friend Derek Watson was the photographer and producer for the show.  He did an awsome job.

The show draws the correlation between how the medical heart specialist at Integris take people with hearts that are broken, in need of repair and use their creative skills to develop alternatives to heart transplants and the glass blowing creations that Chris and Micah create out of broken pieces of glass.
Both use wonderful Creativity to give second chances.  The doctors use their Creativity to give people with broken warn out hearts a second chance at life.  Chris and Micah use their Creativity to give life to broken pieces of glass that were destined for the trash can.  In the end, both create "Redento Raffinato's" Italian words meaning "Redeemed Elegance".  This is the name Chris  has given to his art creation but as I reflected on the similarities of the two I think it is fitting to call both the redeemed patients and the redeemed glass Redento Raffinato's=Redeemed Elegance.  I like it. Creativity!

Some powerful quotes from the show were;

"Where there is need there is opportunity".
                                                  Dr. Long
                                        Heart Specialist
"You have to be willing to accept risk to attempt to make a difference in life".
                                                                              W. H. Jackson
                                                                              Heart Patient
"We both try to take broken things and try to make it better".
                                                                      Karl Nelson
                                                    Administrative Director
                                                     Integris Heart Hospital
"Creativity changes your life forever".
                                Chris McGahan
"Creativity knows no bounds".

Watch the next airing of this Creativity Show on OETA, you will be blessed by watching it.

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