Ross A. Hill: Positive Relationships - Invaluable

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Positive Relationships - Invaluable

 Almost daily I am reminded how important the personal relationships I have formed  through the years are to me and my success.  I am eternally grateful that my parents taught me to respect others and to treat people with the Golden Rule.  I only wish that I was better at doing it and had spent even more time perfecting those skills.  I fear I have miss-treated too many through the years.  I am committed to spend more time perfecting this skill.

But, I am so thankful for the positive relationships I have formed.  These relationships are worth there weight in gold.  I have learned that for the most part people love to help people.  When you have a positive relationship with people they have a desire to help you even more.  

It is amazing how willing and eager people are to help.  Nearly every day I am blessed by people that want to help me.  Just yesterday, some former employees that I have not talked to for over a year were extremely willing to help me.  They were a huge blessing.

Positive Relationships - Invaluable!

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