Ross A. Hill: A Reunion of Sorts

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Reunion of Sorts

Today was a fun day.  A really fun day.  Today through the blessings of the the Internet and Facebook I was reunited with one of my childhood friends.  Janie and I were friends from an early age, classmates and graduated from high school together. But like so many, we went our separate directions after high school.

Our parents first introduced us years ago.  They were great friends.  They did lots of things together.  Today, my dad is gone and Janie's mom is gone.  Her dad and my mom continue to be friends and stay in touch via the phone.  As of today, Janie and I reconnected through Facebook, a reunion of sorts.  It will be fun to get catch up with each other and find out what all has happened in our lives over the past 40 years.

Did I just write 40 years?  YUCK!

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