Ross A. Hill: My Tribute To Ladies Part 2

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Tribute To Ladies Part 2

A friend of mine told me not to just see but to notice.

I know you see your bride everyday but have you noticed her? Have you notice her incredible ability to handle children? Many women are so relaxed with them. They can laugh at their kids, cry with their kids, discipline their kids, clean up after their kids, love their kids and the list goes on and on. You get the idea. For the most part it does not bother them. Where do they get this ability? All of this energy? Not the kids... the MOMS?

And then, many work full-time, run the home and care and support their husbands. Some of them even have to fix everything that breaks at home (sorry Raynell).

Most women I know make the Ever Ready Bunny look like a wimp.

Guys, don't forget your bride this weekend. Without her you are not complete. God has given you a wonderful blessing, be sure to notice her in a very special way.

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