Ross A. Hill: My Tribute To Ladies Part 1

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Monday, February 8, 2010

My Tribute To Ladies Part 1

God, after creating man said it was "not good for man to be alone". So he created Eve to be a constant companion. Men, where would we be without our Bride?
They love us in spite of ourselves. They believe in us even when we don't believe in our self. They know just what to say to encourage us when we are down or to inspire us to greatness when we get bogged down in the muck of life. They know how to humble us and how to tease us. My wife loves to tell me "it takes a woman to do a man's job"! She smiles as she announces it to the world and gives me that wonderful grin that keeps me loving her more each day.

V-Day is just around the corner, make sure you let your Bride know how much you love her.

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